Defining the Collection.add contract in Quickcheck for Java

The Collection add method does define a contract that is expressed in javadoc.
It states:
  • A collection implementation can throw an exception. The collection will stay unchanged and contains() will return false.
  • The add method return value indicates if the collection changed as a result of the call. The collection will contain the element (based on equals()) but only if the collection changed the very instance will be part of the collection.
This textual form can be expressed as a Quickcheck characteristic.

public void collectionAdd() {
 for (Pair<Integer, List<Integer>> any : somePairs(integers(), lists(integers()))) {
  Integer element = any.getFirst();
  Collection<Integer> collection = any.getSecond();

  boolean changedCollection = false;
  boolean exceptionThrown = false;
  try {
   changedCollection = collection.add(element);
  } catch (Exception e) {
   exceptionThrown = true;
  assertTrue(collection.contains(element) != exceptionThrown);
  assertTrue(changedCollection == containsInstance(collection,

private void assertException(Exception e) {
 assertTrue(e instanceof UnsupportedOperationException
   || e instanceof ClassCastException
   || e instanceof IllegalArgumentException
   || e instanceof IllegalStateException);

private boolean containsInstance(Collection<?> collection, Object element) {
 for (Object e : collection) if (e == element) return true;
 return false;

So in this way a specification can be provided of an interface some third party has to implement. It's then up to the implementer to provide a generator for the implementation besides the working code.

This has obviously some overlap with contract-driven development and the assertions facility. One interesting reuse of the characteristic could be to take an implementation that states it fulfills a given contract and monitor the behaviour of the implementation at run time (i.e. not while test time) and to report violations of the contract.

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